Results for 'Fendi Gatot Saputro'

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  1. Hubungan kesesuaian antara metafor pemaknaan organisasi Dengan nilai-nilai kerja.Fendy Suhariadi - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 7 (2).
    Abstrak : Penilitian ini berusaha mencari concurrent validity dari metapor pemaknaan organsasi diukur nilai dasar kerja seseorang. Metapor pemaknaan organisasi diukur dengan cara kualitatif yaitu meminta orang untuk menyampaikan ekspresi perasaannya tentang perusahaan dalam bentuk gambar dan ungkapan lisan atau tulisan, sedangkan pengukur nilai dasar kerja menggunakan alat ukur Nilai Kerja (PVQ) dari Schwartz (2001). Sampel penilitian ditetapkan secara purposif yaitu karyawan PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali sejumlah 129 yang sedang mengikuti pelatihan manajemen dasar pada tahun anggaran 2004. Analisis fenomenologi terhadap (...)
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    Vocabulary Acquisition Perceptions Using Kagan’s Fan-N-Pick Among Papua and Non-Papua Students for Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia.Isnaini Eddy Saputro, Rudi Hartono, Mursid Saleh & Abdurrachman Faridi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:373-387.
    Learning English is still challenging, especially for Papua and non-Papua undergraduate students in several conflict areas of Southwest Papua. Few studies have been conducted on the most effective method to teach English as a conflict language. This research investigates undergraduate students' perceptions when they learn English vocabulary using Kagan's fan-n-pick structure implemented in primary school teacher education study programs. The use of questionnaires and interviews to explore 26 undergraduate students’ perceptions of Kagan’s fan-n-pick structure in learning English vocabulary. This study (...)
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  3. Kawruh Jiwa dalam jagat spiritualitas Jawa.M. Endy Saputro - 2012 - In Afthonul Afif (ed.), Matahari dari Mataram: menyelami spiritualitas Jawa rasional Ki Ageng Suryomentaram. Depok: Kepik.
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    The Role of Middle Management in Building Sustainability Competitive Advantage Through Organization Capability in District Hospitals Banyuwangi: Cross Level Analysis Approach.Siti Asiyah Anggraeni, Fendi Suhariadi & Fiona Niska Dinda Nadia - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:844-856.
    In the competitive healthcare industry, organizations, including hospitals, strive for sustainable advantages. Key to this is organizational capability, managing resources, processes, and innovation toward strategic goals. This study analyzes how middle management involvement affects these capabilities. Conducted in Banyuwangi's hospitals, it employed a descriptive cross-sectional method, using literature, observation, and questionnaires. Data analysis via SEM PLS showed middle management involvement and autonomy positively influence organizational capabilities. Competency intensity mediates this relationship. Organizational capabilities also positively impact sustainable competitive advantage. Inertial organizations (...)
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  5. The guardian of local culture: the dynamic of Indonesian local television to survive against global media onslaught.Cosmas Gatot Haryono, Burhan Bungin & Monika Teguh - 2025 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 23 (1):117-133.
    Purpose The idea of television as a space for cultural and local wisdom has been enthusiastically welcomed by many parties. Regrettably, this expectation proves to be nothing more than an empty hope. Indonesian national television rarely broadcasts content with local cultural nuances. National television broadcast is filled with popular and global cultural content. Only local television tries hard to remain the last guardian of Indonesian culture and local wisdom. Several studies have raised the issue of local television broadcast content but (...)
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